Now that the theatre class is over, I've had time to actually hang out around the castle! Everyone here loves getting together and watching movies downstairs in the movie room, where there are 6 couches to relax on! There is also a room here called "Willie's Cafe", where we go to eat meals on the weekends or watch telly. There are also drums and guitars down there, which people love to bring out while we're drinking. Otherwise everyone hangs out in the library. I wish I could say that it's because we're all extremely studious people, but it's actually just because it's one of the only places to get WiFi.
Today we started our module 2 class, which is Globalization and Heritage of Scotland. It's basically a class about the society of Scotland. Today we talked about Scotland wanting to become it's own entity, not part of the United Kingdom. We're also learning about the history of Scotland. I keep saying it, but it's hard to believe how old everything here is! This Friday we have a house trip to Glasgow, where we have a full 12 hours of things to do! Our professor told us that it's gorgeous, so we can't forget to bring our cameras! Hopefully it won't be long before I'm able to put those pictures up, as long as the ones from the first few weeks.
The favorite sport here seems to be cricket and football (but definitely not American football!). I still haven't quite figured out how cricket works, but it's interesting to watch! Football season starts here soon, and our globalization professor told us that if we were going to pass his class we have to support the Celtic, so that's who I'll be cheering for!
As far as the stores go here, they seem to be laid out very similar to the ones in America. Grocery stores can be a little more difficult, since everything has different names. Everyone in the house accidentally bought fabric softener instead of detergent because of the weird names on the packaging! Usually you bring your own cloth bags for groceries, but if you don't, you bag them yourselves in plastic bags. I have yet to see paper bags here.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday we have class all day, so there won't be anything exciting to report until the Glasgow day trip.
How is everyone doing in America? I know school has either started or is starting soon for most people. Are you looking forward to it, or dreading it? I have to stay up to date! :)
Also, for those of you that have been waiting, so very it is...finally, a picture of my "house"!!
Love the new house. How's that puppy for cleaning? Have they assigned you a job yet? How about a picture of your room. And a picture of the cool bridge in the back yard. And the trails, and the horse stables and the Orangery and the zip line, and the highland cuuuuuu! More photos!!!! Please!!! Are you staying warm and toasty? We just celebrated dad's birthday on the deck tonight. It was still very warm out at 9:00 pm at night. One or two more days of hot weather and then back to the 80's. Love you honey! XO