Saturday, November 17, 2012

Less than 12 hours until departure!

These past 3 months have gone by faster than I could have ever expected. I've done so many things with my time here, and I took advantage of every moment. I traveled to different places, met new people and tried new things. After all these experiences, I feel like I've become a better person. I've learned to appreciate the chances I'm offered, because you never know when you'll be offered it again. So many people told me before I left that this was a once in a lifetime experience, and while I know I'll never study abroad again, I hope this isn't my last time in Scotland. This country has become a part of me, and I feel like this is my second home. Anyone and everyone who has he chance to study abroad...DO IT!! I can promise you won't regret it. Although the time goes by quickly, the memories last forever.
As I write this, I'm sitting on a bed without sheets, in a bare room. I've checked into my flight and out of the house. I'm truly looking forward to coming home and seeing all my friends and family that I haven't seen in 3 months, but I know I'll miss Scotland like crazy. I head out at 3:30 tomorrow morning, and my first flight from Edinburgh to Amsterdam leaves at 6AM. From there I have a 2 hour layover, head out to Detroit, another 2 hour layover, and finally Madison! For anyone who wants to check on my flight status, they are (respectively, and all Delta) 9354, 620, 5094.
I can't wait to see you all again!!

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